All posts for tag "wayland"

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📄 Switch to Wayland
C:2022-12-22 M:2022-12-22
Switch to Wayland Installation I choose hyprland as my Wayland window manager(and compositor) which is based on wlroots, it is a really new compositor with a lot of great features, and also it is pretty stable(according to the office). Here is the stars over time charts for it: Hyprland Stars Over Time 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 # glfw-wayland is conflict with glfw-x11 paru -S hyprland-git xorg-xwayland xorg-xlsclients qt5-wayland glfw-wayland qt6-wayland paru -S dunst wireplumber pipewire polkit-kde-agent xdg-desktop-portal-hyprland-git # must-have (from hyprland-wiki) paru -S wev # xev paru -S wl-clipboard # xclip paru -S wtype # xdotool applications 1 2 3 4 5 6 paru -S hyprpaper # wallpaper manager under hyprland paru -S rofi-lbonn-wayland-git # rofi under Wayland paru -S waybar-hyprland-git # waybar hyprland (enhanced?